Intellectual Property Notice

All information, technologies, products, services, usage examples, images, brands, logos, interface designs, processes, algorithms, and/or software disclosed on this web-site are the Intellectual Property of CardWare Inc., including : information material and images whether or not marked copyright, trademarks pending and registered, patents issued and pending, and derivatives thereof, including, but not limited to US patents 9022286, 9224083, 9430765, 9760884, 10013693, 10339520, 10628820, 10810579, 11328286, 11176538 and 11620634 (collectively, the “IP”).

This web-site includes IP, pre-release and preliminary information, any of which may be subject to change without notice.

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No license to file patents, trademarks, copyright, on the IP or derivatives, is granted whether based on disclosure, estoppel, or by any other means.

Logo Usage Guidelines